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The Virtual International Pathology Institute
Disclaimer and Impressum
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The website content, its access, and measurement procedures have been thoroughly designed and tested by us. However, the Virtual
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The website content has been prepared by us under the provisions of German Law. VIPI or DiagnomX GmbH does not make any guarantee
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This website conveys general information about the Virtual International Pathology Institute, its aims and services. The content has
been prepared with the upmost care and is subject to regular revision. The Virtual International Pathology Institute accepts no
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The website content does not provide any contract or transaction aims. The content of websites that might be linked to our home page
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The Virtual International Pathology Institute also assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any damages to, or viruses that
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In case you have any questions or you require additional information, please contact: info@diagnomx.eu.
On behalf of the Virtual International Pathology Institute
DiagnomX GmbH
Büscherstrasse 50 e
45731 Waltrop
Telephone: +49-2309-70588
E-Mail: info@diagnomx.eu