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Electronic Automated Measurement User System (EAMUS™)
The FISH program is an appropriate program to measure the fluorescence in situ hybridization of nuclei in relation to the spatial
distribution within the nuclei. It requires high magnified images (objective *40, or higher) and can be applied with or without syntactic
structure analysis. It provides the measurement data of a single or of two probes (red, green labelled) and measures only those events
located within a nucleus (DAPI stained) and outside the nucleus if present. It can be applied with or without syntactic structure analysis.
The measurement data of the syntactic structure analysis are described separately.
The measurement program will provide you with the following results:
Measurement data
- mean nuclear area: mean area of nuclei (absolute size)
- stnd nuclear area: standard deviation of mean nuclear area
- mean nuclear radius: mean nuclear radius (absolute length)
- stnd nuclear radius: standard deviation of mean nuclear radius
- Vv nuclei: Volume fraction of nuclei (DAPI)
- mean No nuclei: mean number of nuclei per image
- mean size FISH red: mean area of FISH-red signal (absolute size)
- stnd size FISH red: standard deviation of area of FISH-red signal
- Vv FISH red/nucleus: Volume fraction of FISH-red signals per nucleus
- total No FISH red: total number of red FISH signals per image
- mean No FISH red/nucleus: mean number of FISH-red signals per nucleus;
- percent FISH red outside nuclei: percent of red FISH signals outside the nucleus
- percent nuclei without FISH: percent of nuclei without red FISH signals
- percent nuclei (1* FISH red): percent of nuclei with one FISH-red signal
- percent nuclei (2* FISH red): percent of nuclei with two FISH-red signals
- percent nuclei (3* FISH red): percent of nuclei with three FISH-red signals
- percent nuclei (4* FISH red): percent of nuclei with four FISH-red signals
- percent nuclei (5* FISH red): percent of nuclei with five FISH-red signals
- percent nuclei (6* FISH red): percent of nuclei with six FISH-red signals
- percent nuclei (7* FISH red): percent of nuclei with seven FISH-red signals
- percent nuclei (8* FISH red): percent of nuclei with eight FISH-red signals
- percent nuclei (9* FISH red): percent of nuclei with nine FISH-red signals
- percent nuclei (10* FISH red): percent of nuclei with ten FISH-red signals
- mean size FISH green: mean area of FISH-green signal;
- stnd size FISH green: standard deviation of area of FISH-green signal
- Vv FISH green/nucleus: Volume fraction of FISH-green signals per nucleus
- total No FISH green: total number of green FISH signals per image
- mean No FISH green/nucleus: mean number of FISH-green signals per nucleus
- percent FISH green outside nuclei: percent of green FISH signals outside the nucleus
- percent nuclei without FISH: percent of nuclei without green FISH signals
- percent nuclei (1* FISH green): percent of nuclei with one FISH-green signal
- percent nuclei (2* FISH green): percent of nuclei with two FISH-green signals
- percent nuclei (3* FISH green): percent of nuclei with three FISH-green signals
- percent nuclei (4* FISH green): percent of nuclei with four FISH-green signals
- percent nuclei (5* FISH green): percent of nuclei with five FISH-green signals
- percent nuclei (6* FISH green): percent of nuclei with six FISH-green signals
- percent nuclei (7* FISH green): percent of nuclei with seven FISH-green signals
- percent nuclei (8* FISH green): percent of nuclei with eight FISH-green signals
- percent nuclei (9* FISH green): percent of nuclei with nine FISH-green signals
- percent nuclei (10* FISH green): percent of nuclei with ten FISH-green signals
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