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Electronic Automated Measurement User System (EAMUS™)
The membrane staining program is an appropriate program to measure antigens that are present in the membranes.
It requires moderately to high magnified images (objective *20, *40, or higher) and can be applied with or without syntactic
structure analysis. Appropriate marker are those for receptor analysis (or binding capacities) (herceptin, galectins,
endogenous lectins, etc.).
The measurement data of the syntactic structure analysis are described separately.
The measurement program will provide you with the following results:
Measurement data
- score membrane: 0,1,2,3, computed as follows:
- 3+: total length of intensively stained membrane / total length of detected membranes > 0.50
- 2: total length of stained membrane / total length of detected membranes > 0.10
- 1+: total length of stained membrane / total length of detected membranes > 002
- 0+: elsewhere;
- score L/V cells: =, 1, 2, 3, computed as follows:
- 3+: number of cells with ({length of stained membrane / cellular area} > 0.50
- 2+: number of cells with ({length of stained membrane / cellular area} > 0.10
- 1+: number of cells with ({length of stained membrane / cellular area} > 0.02
- 0+ elsewhere
- number nuclei: sum of all detected nuclei (sum over all images)
- total nuclear area (Vv): Volume fraction of nuclear area (Vv)
- mean nuclear area: mean cellular area (in absolute values)
- total cellular surface (Lv): Cellular surface fraction (Lv, total length/image size)
- mean cell surface: mean cellular surface in absolute values (pixels, microns)
- total cell area (Vv): Volume fraction of cellular area (Vv)
- total cytoplasm area (Vv): Volume fraction of cytoplasm area (Vv)
- total length virtual membrane (Sv): Surface to volume fraction of all virtual (Voronoi) membranes
- mean length Voronoi membrane: Mean length of Voronoi-computed cellular membranes
- rel length stained membrane (Sv): Surface to volume fraction of positively stained membranes
- mean length stained membrane: Mean length of stained membranes
- ratio stained/cellular membrane (%): Ratio of {(length of stained membranes) / (total length of membranes)};
- ratio stained/virtual membranes (%): ratio of {S(total length of stained membranes) / S(total length of virtual membranes
(Voronoi edges))}
- ratio intensive/total membrane: ratio of {(length of intensively stained membranes) / (total length of membranes)}
- percent no volume signal-cells (L/V): percent of cells displaying no stained membrane (< 0.02 of cellular volume)
- percent small volume signal cells(L/V): percent of cells displaying weakly stained membrane (> 0.03 and < 0.10 of
cellular volume)
- percent moderate volume signal cells (L/V): percent of cells displaying moderately stained membrane (> 0.10 and < 0.50
of cellular volume)
- percent large volume signal cells (L/V): percent of cells displaying strong stained membrane (> 0.50 of cellular volume)
- percent intensively stained cells: percent of cells with intensively stained membrane
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