
Electronic Automated Measurement User System (EAMUS™)


The vascular staining program is an appropriate program to measure the vascularization of lesions in relation to the spatial
distance of nuclei from their nearest neighbouring (supporting) vessel. It requires low to moderately magnified images
(objective *10, *20,) and can be applied with or without syntactic structure analysis. Appropriate marker are those for endothelial
cells (CD31, CD34, Factor IIX), and, if wanted additional nuclear stain (Ki-67, etc.). Images showing the diffusion gradients around
the vessels can be included into the output data.

The measurement data of syntactic structure analysis are described separately.

The measurement program will provide you with the following results:

Measurement data
  • Vv vessel: Vascular volume fraction (density) {100*vascular area / image area}
  • Sv (La) vessel: Vascular surface to volume fraction {1000 * (total of vascular surface)} / (total image volume), or
    1000 * (total vessel circumference) / (image area)
  • mean vascular area: absolute measure of mean of vascular area
  • stnd dev vascular area: standard deviation of mean of vascular area
  • mean vascular surface: absolute measure of mean of vascular circumference
  • stnd dev vascular surface: standard deviation of mean of vascular circumference
  • mean min vasc diameter: absolute measure of mean of minimum vascular diameter
  • stnd dev min vasc diameter: standard deviation of mean of minimum vascular diameter
  • mean vessel distance: absolute measure of mean of distance between neighbouring vessels
  • stnd dev vessel distance: standard deviation of mean of distance between neighbouring vessels
  • Vv nuclei: Nuclear volume fraction
  • mean nucl area: absolute measure of mean of nuclear area
  • stnd dev nucl area: standard deviation of mean of nuclear area
  • mean nucl holes: absolute measure of mean of nuclear area with grey values below the (surrounding) threshold
  • stnd dev nucl holes: standard deviation of mean of nuclear area with grey values below the (surrounding) threshold
  • mean nucl homogeneity: absolute measure of mean of maximum difference between highest – lowest grey value
    within the nuclear area
  • stnd dev nucl homogeneity: standard deviation of mean of maximum difference between highest – lowest grey value
    within the nuclear area
  • mean nucl stain: absolute measure of mean of nuclear grey values (above the threshold (surrounding area))
  • stnd dev nucl stain: standard deviation of mean of nuclear grey values (above the threshold (surrounding area))
  • mean nuclear diff gradient: absolute measure of mean of nuclear distance to nearest neighbouring vessel (
    0= no distance; 255=largest distance)
  • stnd dev nucl diff gradient: standard deviation of mean of nuclear distance to nearest neighbouring vessel
    (0= no distance; 255=largest distance)
  • corr coef nucl density - vascular distance: linear correlation coefficient between nuclear density and nuclear
    distance to nearest neighbouring vessel
  • y-regression a*x: constant “a” of linear regression formula between nuclear density and nuclear distance to nearest
    neighbouring vessel, i.e., y=a*x+b
  • constant b: constant “b“ of linear regression formula between nuclear density and nuclear distance to nearest
    neighbouring vessel, i.e., y=a*x+b.